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I woke up as we were still in mid-flight. Lifting the window, all I saw was pitch black, aside from the full moon that helped guide us back home. Turning on the television, the clock had adjusted to whatever time zone we were currently in. We’re supposed to land in LA at two a.m. their time. It is currently twelve a.m. Yet, we still have three hours to go on this flight. It’s crazy how time zones and flight work hand in hand. However, I feel like they’re completely working against me right now. Luckily, I was able to get a whole eight hours of sleep. Now, I’m up and I’ll be up for the remainder of the flight. Zora just might hate how awake and aware I’m going to be. One of the flight attendants came over to me asking if I wanted a meal or a snack. I explained to her that I just wanted oatmeal with banana slices in it instead of sugar. That’s what Zora taught me. The earth provided us with fruit that holds the natural sugar that we need. Ever since she taught me that, I no longer add sugar to my oatmeal. Candy is repulsing. She’s taught me a lot. We’ve taught each other plenty. After receiving my oatmeal, I told the flight attendant to put in the cassette tape to Spike Lee’s Jungle Fever. One of my favorite films by Lee. Zora and I would sit and watch this film over and over and over again. You simply couldn’t get sick of it. The soundtrack was done by none other than Stevie Wonder himself. It featured my protégé, Wesley Snipes. The film was just amazing. Spike has a way with film making.

Brett came over to my suite, “how’s everything going with you?”

“Fine,” I put down my spoon. “What’s going on? Are you enjoying this eleven-hour flight?”

“Ugh,” Brett groaned, sitting in the recliner parallel from mine. “I can’t wait for this to be over. You have no idea.”

“Oh, no,” I laughed. “I understand completely. It’s like it never ends. And don’t get me started on the time difference. It’s like we’re going forward but backward at the same time. I hate it.”

“The first leg was pretty dope, don’t you think? You did your thing out there, my man.”

I smiled at the memories on stage, “thanks. Stage is home to me, ya know?”

“I been knew that. You inspire me every day. I can’t wait until I’m singing to a sea of people like that.”

“Maybe I’ll bring you on stage with me during the second leg?”

“Woah, woah, woah. Let me finish the album first,” Brett laughed.

“You’ve got to sing in front of people other than me, Bill and in the studio someday.”

“I know… It’s just going to take me a minute. Not everyone is fearless like you, Mike.”

“What? Brett you’re the most fearless person I know. Don’t do that to yourself.”

“When I look out at the crowd you’re going to sing in front of every night, I get bubble guts, man.”

“Ew,” I laughed. “You’re gonna have to get over that if you want a career in entertainment.”

“I know, I know. But as of now, I’m fine behind the scenes. Writing music, singing in the studio, and helping you on tour. But now all that’s behind us now, I can’t wait to get home. We’re going to be hermits, man, I tell you. I’m going to be home for weeks on end.”

I laughed, “speak for yourself, man. I’ve got a lady at home waiting on me. Can you believe I’ve been away from Zora for an entire year?”

Brett sighed, his eyes averted from mine now. His demeaner changed almost as if he was sad or broken. Did I hit a nerve or something? “Mike, I have something to tell you.”

His voice had changed drastically, and it bothered me. Maybe I did hit a nerve, “what?”

“You know you’re my boy, right? You’re my best friend. My brother even.”

“Yeah… what are you getting at?” I’m suspicious now. Why is he rambling off things I already know?

“When I say this, I need you to understand that I’m only looking out for you and your wellbeing. I love you, man and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Brett,” I’m impatient now. “What on earth are you talking about?”

Brett was silent as he collected his thoughts. Whatever he had to say, he was thinking long and hard before he had to say it. Which only made me curious about what it could possibly pertain to. “It’s pointless for you to go back to Zora.”

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